Engineering services complementary to Open Source HW and SW
Provided directly or in partnership with UNI CEI 11339 certified EGE in the area
Inspection, design, works management, installation, testing, commissioning and support

Tree diagram of measured energy objects (anonymized data)

Meters installed according to logic of the energy tree
Una tantum services
- Inspection
Context and plant data acquisition - Audit and/or Energy Diagnosis
Preparation, update, rendered also ex D.Lgs. 102/2014 - Planning and Direction of Works
Installation carried out by trusted personnel of the company to whom the Energy Planning and Direction of Works is provided - Installing hardware components
Assistance to company personnel for the configuration and installation of all hardware components - Installing software components and testing
Install client and server software components, and remotely testing - Commissioning
Commissioning and verification of the functionality of all components, including physical
Services at monthly fees
- Support for users
Provided remotely via phone, chat or email