Our projects
TRACING project
Project “The trajectories of cognitive healthy aging – The tRAjeCtories agING (TRACING)”, funded with the contribution of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, was presented as part of the activity of “Analysis of human behavior for the development of products and services in collaboration with the University of Turin”, launched by the research infrastructure HST – Human Science and Technologies, the latter initiative carried out with funding from the Piedmont Region POR-FESR 2014/2020.
TRACING, as an innovative longitudinal pilot study, and in line with the WHO indications, it will detect possible early changes at the neuropsychophysiological level in regulatory aging, following a multidimensional approach to health. These changes, although little investigated, are of crucial importance in order to shed light, on the one hand, on the maintenance of physical-cognitive and functional abilities, and on the other on the identification of a more unfavorable aging trajectory.
In particular, through a neuropsychophysiological assesment, specific parameters will be evaluated, at baseline and follow up, using the instrumentation present in the HST research infrastructure (physical capacity and psychophysiology laboratories), in order to intercept early possible unfavorable trajectories of regulatory aging.
The results of the TRACING project will be useful to identify possible early neuropsychophysiological dysfunctions, such as, for example, the presence of a possible subjective cognitive decline, Subjective Cognitive Decline [SCD, doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30368-0]physical pre-fragility, and emotional dysregulation.

Project “Development of a real-time energy management system for the manufacturing industries and the service sector” realised with the contribution of the Program “Investimenti per la crescita e l’occupazione 2014/20 (FESR)” CO-FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND.
The Alpine depopulation, despite alternating events, has lasted for 3 centuries and is represented by the fact that living in the valley is simpler than in the high mountains, both from the material point of view, that of the relations, that for the availability of services.
The goal of this project is to use new digital technologies to remotely provide those services that are essential to stay in the high mountains, in good psycho-physical health, even when you are alone.
Ambitious objective of which this project represents the feasibility analysis.

Project “Development of a real-time energy management system for the manufacturing industries and the service sector” realised with the contribution of the Program “Investimenti per la crescita e l’occupazione 2014/20 (FESR)” CO-FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND.
In order to bring renewable energy to 80% (REPowerEU) and share their use on the territory with the Renewable Energy Communities, two technological prerequisites are required, the availability of an INDOOR platform, internal to the manufacturing or hotel, and an OUTDOOR platform that interconnects the subjects of the same industrial or tertiary area.
Both are used to plan the production and use of energy, self-produced or from the grid, with the aim of maximum efficiency and the lowest consumption of resources.
This project develops the ISO 50001 standard INDOOR platform and has CVA spa and five stakeholders as its partner: 4 Cableways with their energy-intensive snowmaking systems and 1 publishing manufacture.

HOME project
Our company, during the period from 2018 to 2021, participated to the “HOME” project funded by the Piedmont Region in the framework of “Programma Operativo Regionale POR-FESR 2014/2020”, on the call for tenders of the “Fabbrica Intelligente” technology platform. The main contribution of our company has been the definition, development and testing of a Cyber Physical System for real-time energy management in the manufacturing sector.